Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

A Town Mouse and A Country Mouse

    A Town Mouse and a Country Mouse were friends. The Country Mouse one day invited his
 friend to come and see him at his home in the fields. The Town Mouse came and they sat down
 to a dinner of barleycorns and roots the latter of which had a distinctly earthy flavour.
The flavour was not much to the taste of the guest and presently he broke out with “My poor
dear friend, you live here no better than the ants. Now, you should just see how I fare! My larder
 is a regular horn of plenty. You must come and stay with me and I promise you shall live on the
 fat of the land.”  
    So when he returned to town he took the Country Mouse with him and showed him into a larder
 containing flour and oatmeal and figs and honey and dates.
The Country Mouse had never seen anything like it and sat down to enjoy the luxuries his friend
 provided. But before they had well begun, the door of the larder opened and some one came in.
 The two Mice scampered off and hid themselves in a narrow and exceedingly uncomfortable
 hole. Presently, when all was quiet, they ventured out again. But some one else came in, and off
 they scuttled again. This was too much for the visitor. “Good bye,” said he, “I’m off. You live in
 the lap of luxury, I can see, but you are surrounded by dangers whereas at home I can enjoy my
simple dinner of roots and corn in peace.”

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